Chris McFadden MSST
Began training in 1994. Became full member of The Society of Sports Therapists in 1997. Worked at Walton & Hersham football club, Sutton United football club and Chipstead football club. Seven years at a group practice in Surbiton before setting up my own clinic in Sutton in 2003. Trained in the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle joints as well as neck and back problems.
Predominantly a hands on therapist, I am also trained in the use of electrotherapy (ultrasound,tens therapy). I have strong links to the Parkside hospital in Wimbledon enjoying a close relationship with a range of excellent Orthopaedic Consultants.
Just stressed or have muscle tension? Then come in for a sports massage.
Overpronation causing lower limb injuries, I stock a range of orthotics to help with poor foot mechanics. Treatment sessions are 1 hour and cost £50.